
SAY-END and SAY-LAB; They are 2 strong companies growing within SAY GROUP. It aims to be a company that is always open to innovation, where trust and respect prevail, where dynamic, smiling, hardworking people work together.

The basis of our human resources policies; It is a strong company that sees the value and respect that its employees deserve, provides motivation opportunities that will increase the performance of employees, and offers training opportunities for the development of its employees. It creates an employee group that is sensitive to people, society, environment and nature and will carry the company to the future.
We are an equal and fair company that works with people from all walks of society without discrimination of religion, language, race or gender, where differences are overcome with mutual trust and love.
It tries to implement human resources practices in which integrated systems are used.
It aims to use modern, integrated systems that enable the production of business results in all human resources processes, from the recruitment of its employees to the performance management system in the business, to self-development, from its development to the remuneration and dismissal process.

During recruitment and placement, SAY-LAB aims to serve the company's strategy and goals by recruiting male and female candidates who are in line with the company culture and values, have the knowledge, skills and abilities required for their position, and will always move the company forward. It acts with the principle of choosing the right person for the right job.
It carries the company to the future by incorporating dynamic, practical thinking, working, innovative and forward-thinking candidates into its own company.

- Recruiting qualified manpower without discrimination in line with the goals of our company
- To create and maintain a safe, peaceful and healthy working environment
- To support the training and personal development of the personnel that will increase the motivation of our employees
- To support the training and personal development of the personnel who will take the company to the next level
- To live in cooperation to ensure the continuity of work success
- Increasing productivity by creating an environment of motivation and addiction